Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement

Justice League

A pupil who is part of The Justice League is someone who works to try to support pupils with disagreements they may have with others and tackles bullying in their school, work and/or community.  

We have four pupils who form The Justice League and they all work together to help to educate the school about anti-bullying by running workshops and assemblies. They also support children in the playground to ensure they have an excellent lunchtime experience. 

The children had the opportunity to apply for the role as a member of the 'Justice League'. The children who were successful in their application have been trained to use the restorative justice wheel on the playground. The Justice League liasie with staff to ensure all children are having an enjoyable lunchtime experience.

The children use the restorative justice wheel from our behaviour policy (see appendix 1).

Behaviour policy