Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement

Rights Respecting School

Here at Four Elms, we are a Rights Respecting School. In June 2021, we received our gold award. Please have a look at our report at the bottom of this page.

Through our engaging and creative curriculum, we teach children about their rights as stated in the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child. We provide opportunities for children to exercise their rights and to be social activists. Our Children are inspired and encouraged to become change-makers who feel passionate about campaigning and raising awareness of global and local issues.

Being a Rights Respecting School has allowed the community at Four Elms to create an environment which is respectful, nurturing and safe. Our Children thrive on a curriculum which allows them to have ownership, to have a voice and to be engaged in purposeful learning.

As stated by Unicef 'there are four key areas of impact for children at a Rights Respecting school; wellbeing, participation, relationships and self-esteem. The difference that a Rights Respecting School makes goes beyond the school gates, making a positive impact on the whole community'.

Our Rights Respecting Ambassadors were voted for by the school as they show the essential qualities necessary for  carrying out such a prestigious role.

Gold Accreditation Report

Myths and Misconceptions

UNCRC child friendly language

UNCRC summary


Although there are 54 articles in the UNCRC we as a school have chosen several that we want to focus on. These are:

  • Article 2 (Non-discrimination) All children have rights
  • Article 12 (Respect for the views of the child) The right to be heard
  • Article 14 (freedom of thought, belief and religion) The right to follow your own religion
  • Article 19 (Protection from violence, abuse and neglect) The right to be safe
  • Article 24 (health and health services) The right to be healthy
  • Article 28/29 (right to an education and goals of education) The right to learn and be the best that you can be
  • Article 31 (leisure, play and culture) The right to play and relax