Inspire Academy Movement
Part of the Inspire Academy Movement

Parent Council

At Four Elms Primary School, we are committed to working closely with parents and carers. We value the partnership which exists between school, parents and the community and the part it plays in school improvement.

At Four Elms we are committed to achieving the highest aspirations for ourselves, both personally and as learners. We empower ourselves by making choices that will create the future we desire. An enriched, inspirational curriculum gives us the opportunity to develop courage and grit from within, allowing us to overcome any obstacle in our way and tackle new situations with enthusiasm and determination.

Every day we grow in independence to become self-confident and resilient learners, enjoyed both in the classroom and beyond. A culture of reflection is promoted for all, enabling us to learn from our mistakes and celebrate our achievements. Respect is shown for ourselves, others and the world around us.

The Parent Council will be a place for parents to learn more about the school and a place for the school to learn more about different ways parents can contribute to their child’s learning journey.

Aims of the forum

  • Work together to improve the education provided for our children
  • Share information, knowledge and skills
  •  Meet in a mutually supportive environment
  • Further improve communications between parent/carers and staff/governors
  • Gain support for school projects or goals
  • Explore views on specific concerns, issues or changes



Each class has one elected representative. The representatives are expected to be available for every forum meeting. If they are unable to attend, another parent can fill in. This must be agreed in advance with the chair. Minutes from the meeting will be shared with other parents within the school.

  • Jo – Reception
  • Claire  – Year 1
  • Kez – Year 2
  • Lizzie  – Year 3
  • Heidi  – Year 4
  • Juliette  – Year 5 & 6


Code of conduct

  • As a member of the parent forum I agree to:
  • Show respect to all members of this forum, by listening to and respecting a diverse range of opinions
  • Stick to agreed timescales for discussion of topics
  • Maintain confidentiality by not mentioning the names of individual members of the community
  • Avoid discussing individual circumstances or grievances. These issues will be directed via the school’s complaint’s procedure instead
  • Respect the workload and wellbeing of all stakeholders
  • Be positive, constructive and solution focused


Frequency of the forum

Forum meetings will be held six times a year or whenever a pressing issue comes up

Forum meetings will last one hour

Times and dates of meetings will be confirmed in the first meeting